Page 7 - The Wealth Signal Book (By Leading Neuroscientists) PDF FREE Download
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I’d heard rumors of unholy activities

             taking place at this “billionaire hideaway”

             and now, I’d ynd out yrst hand..

                 When I arrived, I learned the top minds in

                 neuroscience had been zown in to examine the link

                 between brainwaves and wealth, based on recently

                 declassiyed FBI research. Shortly after arriving, these

                 high-paid scientists working together succeeded.

             They’d found something bizarre - a 150-million year old brain region shaped like a tiny

             egg that was highly active in billionaires..

             The scientists called it a “billionaire loophole” because activating the region took a 9-

             Word Technique that acted like a secret code.

                      Ex-Stanford Neuroscientist Reveals The

                    Surprising Secret To Manifesting Money..

                                                (it’s not what you think)

             They found anyone could use the 9 Words to attract money, sometimes in as little as

             a day. But ofycials were furious to discover several scientists were already using the 9-
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