Page 15 - The Wealth Signal Book (By Leading Neuroscientists) PDF FREE Download
P. 15

It all made so much sense.

             It took 5 minutes. It was simple.

             And I’m a big guy but as he spoke, I felt a surge of love in my heart connecting me with

             my Creator like never before..

                                                                        But when I got home, we got news my wife’s

                                                                        medical bills had actually risen..

                                                                        I tried my luck at blackjack and quickly lost


                                                                        “I’d failed as her husband..”

                                                                        That night I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling

                                                                        cracks, feeling like I’d failed my duty as a man..

             But the next morning my phone started buzzing..

             I’d had a failed home business making $50 a month..

             But somehow it’d made over $700 overnight..

                                                               After one month, an extra $38,000 had

                                                          poured into my bank account, more than I’d

                                                          made in a year of working security..

                                 “I Found $38,000 The First Month

                                                           …Without A Job!”

             I got my wife the best doctor’s money

             could buy..

             Now not only is she healthy… but she’s pregnant!
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